Bible Study Fellowship For Women
An in-depth, interdenominational Bible study that helps people know God and equips them to effectively serve the Church throughout the world. Friday morning and Tuesday evening classes are hosted at Northcross Church.
Learn More
Mondays at 1PM in the Northcross Church foyer.

Get connected with church family members through working together, on the first Saturday of the month, at church to keep God's Northcross garden in top shape for His Glory. BYO gear (gloves, tools, sunscreen etc.). All welcome! 9AM-12PM.
Mainly Music
This is a daytime music and play session for pre-schoolers and their parents / caregivers. We have two sessions – Wednesdays at 9:30AM and 10:30AM. And both groups have morning tea together at 10AM.The programme covers singing, dancing, music, playing, and morning tea (morning tea provided for everyone). It costs $5 per family, per session or you can purchase a concession card – $25 for 6 sessions.
Register for Mainly Music
Mostly Siblings
This is run in conjunction with Mainly Music by the team here at Northcross. Siblings of those attending Mainly Music are able to attend a 10.00 - 11.30 session. Ages 5 - 13. Attending Mostly Siblings $5 per family. BYO Morning Tea.

Prayer for Persecuted Believers
Second Monday of the month at 7PM on Zoom. Please email us at for details.

Better Together
A weekly get-together, sitting over tea or coffee listening to each – making new friends - strengthens our relationships. Thursdays at 1PM.

Craft Club
Every Third Saturday of each month. Bring your own crafts and come and enjoy an afternoon tea($5)! Get in touch with us at for more information.

Blended Coffee
Families come in all shapes and sizes, and no matter your background, Come enjoy a hot drink and treats while your little one plays! Mondays at 11:30AM