Evening Service Launch 2022

June 12, 2022 5:30 pm  |  Northcross Church

826A East Coast Road, Oteha, Auckland, New Zealand

 We’re so excited that our evening services are back on, June 12, 5:30PM!

Sometimes the way we’re going about life includes so many things that are silently (or loudly!) sucking the joy and life out of us. So our opening series this year is called ‘Killjoys’ – Our goal is to identify and kill the joy-killers, and replace them with the life-giving way of Jesus.

Pastor Hangyul will open the series with a message entitled “Stop Dwelling on Your Sin!”

As per usual, we’ll have our $6 dinner & dessert available after the service. You can pre-register every week at northcross.org.nz/dinner

Feel free to invite your friends, and we’ll see you soon!