Christmas In Lights: Working Bee #1

November 14, 2020 9:00am - 1:00pm  |  Main Foyer, Northcross Church

826A East Coast Road, Oteha, Auckland, New Zealand

Preparations for “Christmas In Lights” (a drive-through experience with thousands of lights and live characters) are underway. If you’re part of this church family, you’ll soon see that infamous large shipping container in the main car park. So, it’s time for our working bees to commence!

If you’re able-bodied, and willing to help put this significant event together in a really practical way with our fantastic team, please come along! We will be working on installing the driveway overhead lights and ‘Inn’ facade. There will be a light morning tea provided and an opportunity to fellowship with others in our church family.

If you have any questions, get in touch with Shane at